Collins Business Grammar & Practice (Intermediate)

Collins Business Grammar & Practice (Intermediate)

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Mô tả

if you are required to use english at work but feel you need to build up your grammar, collins new business grammar & practice is the perfect solution.well-known business english experts nick brieger and simon sweeney guide the user through 84 units to explain the structure of the english language. examples of real usage are followed by a simple but thorough explanation of each grammar point. then, a range of practice exercises cement your understanding.all of the sample sentences are taken from the cobuild corpus. this ensures that you don’t learn artificial language – instead you get to grips with the vocabulary and structures that are used in the business world around the globe through the book from start to finish for a comprehensive course in pre-intermediate grammar, or pick and choose the topics of most interest to you.topics covered: main tenses (presents, imperatives, pasts, futures, conditionals) auxiliaries and modals voice – active vs. passive constructions irregularities sentence and clause types nouns adjectives and adverbs determiners (articles, pronouns, demonstratives, quantifiers…) prepositionscef level: b1–b2

Thông số

Tác Giả : Nick Brieger & Simon Sweeney

Sku : 9786045817698

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Collins Business Grammar & Practice (Intermediate)

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