TOEFL Junior Listening

TOEFL Junior Listening

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Mô tả

this book is divided into 7 chapters: question types, talks and announcements, conversations, academic talks and discussions, practice tests, scripts, and answers.chapter 1 covers 7 question types which are often found in the toefl junior listening test: main idea, purpose, inference, prediction, prosody, detail, and rhetorical structure. each type of questions introduces typical questions, test-taking strategies, and a sample.chapter 2 introduces talks and announcements including talks in the classroom, talks in the library, and campus announcements. each section focuses on an introduction to a particular text type together with a practice set consisting of a number of comprehension questions. next comes a gap-fill listening exercise, and at the end of each text type, a vocabulary list coupled with some background knowledge is provided to facilitate learners’ listening ability.chapter 3 presents some information on conversations often found in the toefl junior listening test. then, a typical conversation and 2 practice sets that are comprised of a number of questions are provided. similar to chapter 2, gap-fill listening exercises and vocabulary lists coupled with some background knowledge are also provided to facilitate learners’ listening ability.chapter 4 describes some academic talks and discussions frequently given in the test and also contains the following sections that are the same as those in the two previous chapters.chapter 5 provides two practice tests which help learners familiarize themselves with the format of an actual toefl junior listening test in order to get ready for it.chapter 6 provides scripts of all of the exercises and practice tests in the book.chapter 7 contains the answers to all of the exercises and practice tests in the book.

Thông số

Tác Giả : New Oriental Education &Technology Group

Sku : 9786045830987

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TOEFL Junior Listening

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Cập nhật gần nhất ngày 17/01/2025

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