Practical IELTS Strategies: IELTS Reading

Practical IELTS Strategies: IELTS Reading

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Mô tả

this practical ielts strategies book is above all (as the name suggests) practical and strategic, giving a clear and achievable framework for maximising your score in the ielts reading test.this book has: 20 solid tips, each developed and built on the previous one, supported by analysis and discussion where possible over 40 exercises with answers, also analysed and discussed a final summary and demonstration of all the tips in action extensive answer section and appendices, with analysis and discussionandrew guilfoyle (cambridge elt certificate & elt diploma, m.ed, cambridge certified teacher trainer) has been teaching english since 1993, and, more importantly, specifically teaching ielts preparation since 1994 – a field in which he has gradually come to specialise. he thus brings to his books not only an extensive theoretical knowledge but also a wealth of practical classroom approaches, carefully developed over years.

Thông số

Tác Giả : Andrew Guilfoyle

Sku : 9786045833643

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Practical IELTS Strategies: IELTS Reading

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Cập nhật gần nhất ngày 19/01/2025

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