IELTS Reading Tests

IELTS Reading Tests

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Mô tả

this book is for students preparing for the ielts reading test in the academic module of the ielts.the book contains ten practice reading tests and a key. each test contains three reading passages, which cover a variety of topics and give lots of practice for the range of question types used in the ielts exam.the book may be used as a supplement to a book for ielts by mccarter, easton & ash as a supplement to a coursebook or for that you may repeat the exercises in this book, we would advise you to avoid marking the text.sam mccarter is a lecturer in academic and medical english at southwark college, where he organises ielts courses for overseas doctors and other health personnel, and courses in medical english, including preparation for the osce component of the plab.sam mccarter is also the creator and organiser of the nuffield self-access language project for overseas doctors and is a freelance consultant in medical english, specialising in tropical medicine.judith ash is a former lecturer in academic and medical english at southwark college. she now writes freelance and is working on distance learning programmes for ielts and a series of ielts books.

Thông số

Tác Giả : McCarter &Ash

Sku : 9786045827307

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IELTS Reading Tests

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