Intensive IELTS Reading

Intensive IELTS Reading

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Mô tả

contentschapter 1: introduction to ielts readingi. ielts reading topicsii. ielts reading task typeschapter 2: ielts reading fundamentalsi. vocabulary1. part of speech/ word classes2. emotional aspects of words3. guessing the meanings of unknown words4. paraphrased words5. confusing wordsii. grammar1. how to analyse long sentences2. sentence focus3. basic sentence elements4. simplifying complex sentences5. other important grammar pointsiii. passage organisation1. passage organisation2. identifying thesis statements and topics sentences3. identifying supporting ideas4. identifying general ideas and specific information5. identifying general patterns of passage organisationchapter 3: ielts reading strategies1. reading the title2. glancing through the questions3. locating what you should read4. circling signal words5. circling eye-catching words6. watching visual informaition7.  reading the directions8. looking at sample answers9. analysing the questions and memorising themchapter 4: ielts reading practicei. finding out main ideasii. finding out specific informationiii. summary/ table/ process/ sentence completioniv. true/ false/ not given exercisesv.  reading for detailsvi. more practicechapter 5: multiple-choice practice1. finding the lost freedom2. how to raise a bright child3. the value of driver training4. traditional vietnamese medical theory5. the great barrier reef6. earhquake7. why we can't afford to let asia starve8. intellectual disability9. the new ice age10. tools for tomorrow's telecommunications11. associations provide therapy for society12. sustainable production13. a different taste of things to come14. fire testschapter 6: answer key

Thông số

Tác Giả : New Oriental Education &Technology Group IELTS Research Institute

Sku : 9786048558178

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Intensive IELTS Reading

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