Winning at IELTS Reading

Winning at IELTS Reading

Giá bán

Gấp đôi hiệu quả với gói hội viên chuyên nghiệp

Mô tả

contents introduction ielts reading activitiesunit one: natural phenomenaunit two: important events in human historyunit three: transportationunit four: languageunit five: environment protectionunit six: animalsunit seven: architectureunit eight: social issuesunit nine: medical scienceunit ten: agriculture, industry and commerceunit eleven: eductionunit twelve: science and technologyielts reading tests test 1 test 2 test 3answer keyielts reading answer sheet

Thông số

Tác Giả : Wang Chun Mei - Li Xiao Li

Sku : 9786045819968

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Winning at IELTS Reading

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Cập nhật gần nhất ngày 19/01/2025

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