Table for two: English for Restaurant

Table for two: English for Restaurant

Giá bán
Trạng thái
Còn hàng

Gấp đôi hiệu quả với gói hội viên bán hàng chuyên nghiệp

Mô tả

table for two provides students with basic and necessary english to begin to develop in the professional world of restaurants.its content follows the academic schedules of a professional coursebook, ciclo formativo de grado medio de servicios en restauración, in spain and adapts to the self-reflexive demand of the common european framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment (council of europe 2001).in table for two, students can practice receptive and productive skills of the foreign language: listening, reading, writing and speaking, through motivating activities of action and interaction with peers. grammar and vocabulary exercises are included in this book so that students can do them without having to buy a workbook. students not only work inthe classroom and individually, but will be required to work in groups to be evaluated and search for extra information for the expansion of knowledge (projects, helpful websites, etc). special emphasis is placed on the work of oral skills, as communication aspects will be crucial in the professional development of our students.this book includes a cd with all the listening mp3 files.

Thông số

Sku : 97860458333582

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Table for two: English for Restaurant

Thông tin được tổng hợp từ website nhà bán hàng và đã được kiểm duyệt nội dung
Cập nhật gần nhất ngày 17/01/2025. Bạn có thể cập nhật thông tin mới nhất từ nhà bán

Thông tin nhà bán

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